Fill in the Blank: The Restaurant I Wish We Had on Campus is _____________

All throughout campus here at the University of Florida, we have many choices for our food needs and you could definitely say we have something here for everyone.


But…do we actually? And if not, what are we missing?

A recent e-mail sent out to students, faculty, and staff of the University asked everyone to keep an eye out for a survey that will be sent out to everyone to gather information on the campus dining experience. It stated that it is to better meet the needs of the campus population, and the future population.

I think this idea is AWESOME, and when you get the survey you should definitely take the time to fill it out. The University of Florida is looking for your input, so why not fill them in on what you think when you have the chance?

However, we thought we would take a jumpstart on this and do our own informal survey. So we’ll ask you to fill in this blank…


We already have plenty of Starbucks, and you can go to Wendy’s, Chik-Fil-A, Au Bon Pain, and many other food options. But we know that there is one missing, so what is it?

Check out the choices below. You can either choose one of them, or write in your own option in the “OTHER” line below. Plus you can choose up to three options, because we know we are all foodies and love to have options.

So, how would YOU fill in the blank?